Thursday, 14 October 2010

Self Portrait

© Simon Harvey 2010
This is just an experiment in more uncharted territory, not the studio with that I am very familiar, my self as a subject is the unexplored region for me. Getting in front of the camera was actually kinda scary, unnerving would be a more appropriate lexicological choice, it also presented a few more interesting problems. For example, I would have to rely on the camera's autofocus, get up after almost every shot to check and make sure everything was as intended, silly me forgot a flashmeter, finally I had to trigger the camera. Enter the wired remote. Canon would quite happily charge me over £250 for the 'wireless controller' that they recommend for my camera. Pah! I'll just get a £25 aftermarket, german, stick-it-in-the-side-and-put-up-with-the-cable thing. The issue then was, do I make it obvious? Try to hide it? Be casual about it, not flaunt it nor attempt to hide it? Confused much? I was. I shall put up a couple more, maybe? We shall see.


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